Removing Barriers

What is within us that may need to come out? What is something that we may need to complete or has been holding us back? What is something that has been on your mind? or a task you need to tackles? Something you have wanted to learn about?

These are the inklings that you should listen to that could be pushing you into what I call a '“money spark.” Something that is within you and wants to come out but for some reason you aren’t letting it. It is important to first understand what it is that you are wanting to do, and then to identify the barrier as to what is stopping you from taking action. Maybe someone else holds the information that you need to take the next steps. Or you need to make an appointment with the right person to start the process. Maybe the barrier is that you don’t know where to learn the information on how to do it or you lack the confidence in yourself to pursue the action you want to take.

One thing you could do is to identify the resources you already have in your life to help remove those barriers. Do you have money to help? Money in your budget to hire the right person? Do you have people in your life to rely on? A friend or neighbor to watch the kids while you take a class to learn more about the subject you need more knowledge on. It could also be yourself! Tap into the talents and resources you have used your whole life to get you where you are today and use them to take action and your next step.

If you want to learn more, contact me and we can work on this together!